Lesli Boese

for Waukesha County District Attorney

Holding Criminals Accountable in Waukesha County

  • 29 Years in the Waukesha District Attorney’s Office

  • Director of the Drug Crimes Unit since 2016

  • Co-Prosecutor in the Waukesha Christmas Parade Trial

Meet Lesli

Born and raised in Waukesha, I have been proud to call Waukesha County home for all of my life. As the daughter of a City of Waukesha police officer, I would often accompany my father to the courthouse when he would get called to testify on cases. As I observed these court cases and got to meet prosecutors in the Waukesha District Attorney’s office, I knew from an early age that this was a career path that I wanted to pursue.

After graduating from Waukesha North High School, I attended UW-Waukesha and UW-Whitewater for my undergraduate studies. From there, I continued my pursuit to become a prosecutor and I attended law school at the University of Wisconsin. I graduated a semester early from law school and was immediately hired as a prosecutor in the Waukesha County D.A.’s Office in 1995, where I have worked since for the past 29 years.

Upholding Public Safety

The best way to keep our communities safe is to hold criminal actors accountable and let them know that their actions will have consequences in Waukesha County.

Standing with Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement has a tremendously difficult job that they are asked to do, and it’s gotten more difficult in recent years. Our next District Attorney must work together with Law Enforcement to make their jobs easier, not harder.

Supporting Crime Victims

Just as criminal defendants have rights throughout the trial process, crime victims in these cases have rights as well. It’s important that our next District Attorney works with crime victims to provide support throughout the process.

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